How To Get Rid Of Ants Hills In Yard In Perth

How to Get Rid of Ants Hills in Yard in Perth?

A yard in your home can be a piece of paradise or a major headache depending on its condition. It’s a labor of love taking care of a yard. So you wouldn’t want any pests showing up in your yard.

But ants are one of those pests that don’t care what you think. If they think your yard is good enough, they will infest it and start building ant hills.

If you live in Perth, dealing with these pests can be particularly challenging. Therefore, in this article, we will go over various ways to Get Rid of Ants in Yard in Perth.

What is Ant Hills?

Ant hill are basically mounds of soil that ants create while they are busy tunneling underground. These hills are signs of their work underground creating homes otherwise known as colonies. 

Ants build these hills for a few important reasons:

  • Shelter: The underground tunnels shelter the ants from bad weather and predators. 
  • Home for the Queen: It’s also a castle for the ant queen that lays all their eggs. The queen needs to be protected; thus, ants build the tunnels.
  • Temperature Control: Just like we need fans and ACs to feel comfortable, the ants need the tunnels to create the right temperature for comfort. 
  • Food Storage: The tunnels aren’t just for temperature control and homes. They also act as a storage space for their food supply. 

Dangers of Any Ants Hill In Your Yard in Perth

Dangers of Any Ants Hill In Your Yard in Perth

So you know why ants build ant hills and tunnels. To some, it might not seem like there is any danger from that, but there is. Here are some reasons why you don’t want ant hills in your garden:

Damage to Plants

Ants need food and they might look at your plants as such. Ant hills are a sign of a major population and they can eat a lot. So they might damage your plants for food or the soil around them for tunnel construction. Both of those things are bad for your garden. 

Uneven Soil

Ant tunnels can go on for a time. All the soil they dig can cause your yard to become uneven. This unevenness can cause issues down the line. You might not be able to walk smoothly through your garden. Also you could run into issues when planting new flowers or vegetables. 

Attracting Other Pests

Ants aren’t at the top of the food chain in your yard. There are other animals and even pests that hunt them. They might turn their attention to your flowers or vegetables at some point. This means your garden might get destroyed or harmed. 

Soil Erosion

Ant hills are a major contributor to soil erosion. Due to the tunneling by the ants a lot of soil is moved to the surface. This greatly damages the soil structure beneath your garden and affects the water flow underground. Take too long to get rid of any hills in your yard and you might not have one in the future. 

How To Get Rid Of Ant Hills In Your Yard in Perth?

How To Get Rid Of Ant Hills In Your Yard in Perth?

Now that you know the dangers of ant hills it’s time we discussed methods to get rid of ant hills in your garden. We have prepared three methods on how you can do so: natural, organic, and chemical. 

Read through and find out which method is easiest and right for you. 

Natural Methods

Natural methods will cover ways that are quite common. We have collected this ways from others that have yard for quite some time. 

Using Boiling Water

One of the simplest and most effective natural methods is using boiling water.

  1. Boil Water: Heat a pot of water until it’s boiling.
  2. Pour the Water: Gently pour the boiling water directly onto the ant hill. Be sure to cover the entire mound.
  3. Repeat if Needed: You should do this a few times to get rid of all the ants.

Boiling water kills ants on contact and destroys their tunnels.

Vinegar and Water Solution

Vinegar acts as a natural ant repellent that disrupts their scent trails.

  1. Mix the Solution: Blend equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the Hill: Spray the solution directly onto the ant hill and around the yard where you see ants.
  3. Repeat Daily: Spray every day until the ants are gone.

The strong smell of vinegar makes it hard for ants to navigate.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is basically a fine powder that is safe for humans but deadly to ants.

  1. Sprinkle the Powder: Lightly sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the ant hill and any ant trails you see.
  2. Reapply After Rain: Reapply after it rains or if the powder gets wet.

The powder dehydrates ants and kills them.

Organic Solutions

Organic methods are for those who are quite environmentally conscious. 

Essential Oils

Peppermint and tea tree essential oils repel ants.

  1. Make a Spray: Blend 10-15 drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the Area: Spray the mixture around the ant hill and along any ant trails.
  3. Repeat Regularly: Spray every few days to keep ants away.

Essential oils disrupt the ants’ ability to communicate and navigate.

Homemade Ant Bait

A homemade ant bait can attract and kill ants.

  1. Mix the Bait: Combine 1 part borax with 3 parts sugar and add a little water to make a paste.
  2. Place the Bait: Put small amounts of the bait near the ant hill and where you see ants.
  3. Wait: The ants will return the bait to their colony, killing more ants over time.

The sugar will bring in the ants, and the borax kills them.

Beneficial Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes are tiny worms that prey on ant larvae.

  1. Buy Nematodes: Purchase beneficial nematodes from a garden center.
  2. Apply to the Soil: Follow the package instructions to apply them to the soil around the ant hill.
  3. Water the Area: Water the area to help the nematodes move through the soil.

These nematodes naturally reduce the ant population by attacking their larvae.

Chemical Solutions

Chemical treatments should be used when natural and organic methods are insufficient to control the ant problem. These is the method most often used by professional ant hill removers. 

Types of Ant Insecticides

There are different types of chemical insecticides available for ants:

  1. Sprays: Use ant sprays to target visible ants and ant hills directly.
  2. Granules: Spread granules around the yard to create a barrier that kills ants.
  3. Baits: Place bait stations near ant hills to attract and poison ants.

Safety Precautions

When using chemical treatments, it’s important to stay safe.

  1. Read Instructions: Always read and follow the instructions on the product label.
  2. Wear Protective Gear: Always use gloves and a mask to protect yourself.
  3. Keep Away from Pets and Kids: Ensure the treated areas are safe and out of reach for children and pets.

Chemical treatments are effective but should be used carefully to avoid harming the environment.

Tips On Preventing Ant Hill In Your Yard

Once you get rid of ant hills in your garden you need to ensure they don’t appear again any time soon.

You won’t be able to prevent ant hills permanently because it’s a natural thing. So here are some tips to keep them away for some time instead. 

  1. Keep Your Garden Clean: Proper yard maintenance will ensure ants don’t find your garden too appealing. Remove fallen leaves, fruit, and other debris that ants might be attracted to. 
  2. Use Proper Mulching: Lay down a thin layer of mulch. This will make it harder for ants to dig down and create ant hills. 
  3. Seal Cracks and Holes: Ants are notorious for getting in through the tiniest of holes. So find them in your garden and seal them up. 
  4. Plant Ant-Repellent Herbs: Grow mint, lavender, and marigolds since they naturally repel ants. 
  5. Regularly Inspect Your Garden: Make regular yard inspection a thing because early detection will make your life much easier. 


If you’re looking to get rid of ant hills and need professional help, Loins Pest & Weed Control is the best ant pest control service provider in Perth.

The DIY methods we’ve shared on how to get rid of ant hills in your garden will be effective only for smaller scale infestations.

However, if the ant invasion is severe, it’s best to consult professionals who know the most effective methods to eliminate them.

Your yard is our slice of heaven, so treat it as such and take care of it. Once the removal process is done, follow our tips to ensure they don’t reappear too soon.

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