How Rodents Can Be Controlled at Home in Perth

How Rodents Can Be Controlled at Home in Perth: Step-by-step Guide

Homes in Perth are often infested by one of the most dangerous pests in the world: rodents. Both rodents and mice are known for causing a lot of headache for homeowners because of their behavior and breeding. If you aren’t careful your home can easily be overrun by rodents. So you need to know how rodents can be controlled at home in Perth.  

This article will share the common signs that you need to look for to know if your home is infested. Along with the signs, we will also share just how dangerous these pests are for your health. This information will help you take rodent infestation seriously.

Finally, we will go over a step-by-step guide on rodent pest control for your Perth home. So there is a lot to go over. Let’s not wait around any more. 

Signs of Rodent Infestation

Before you get around to learning how rodents can be controlled at home in Perth, you need to know if you have rodents in your home. Here are the most common signs of rodent pest infestation in Perth homes: 


Rodent droppings have a small, pellet-like appearance with dark brown or black color and of various sizes. You will see them in kitchen cabinets, drawers, or along baseboards. 

Gnaw Marks

Rodents and mice are notorious for gnawing on various objects. They do so to maintain their teeth length and sharpness. Most often rodents will gnaw on wires, cardboard boxes, or wooden furniture. Anything freshly gnawed on will have a light color while the older ones will be darker and more worn.


Rodents breed a lot so they will build nests using materials around them. Often rodent nests use paper, fabric, or insulation. They are usually located inside walls, attics, or behind appliances. Look for shredded materials or nesting materials piled together.

Nocturnal Noises

Rodents are most active at night, so you will hear them scratching or scurrying around. The sounds will come from walls, ceilings, or attics.


The most obvious sign of rodent infestation will of course be actual sightings. These critters are quick and agile but you can catch glimpses. 

See why regular pest inspections are so important for your home with advice from our professionals.

Health Risks Associated with Rodents

Health Risks Associated with Rodents

We are educating people about how rodents can be controlled at home in Perth, not just because they are annoying. Rodents can be so dangerous because there are health risks connected to them. What kind, you wonder? Here are some health risks connected to rodent infestation. 

1. Disease Transmission

Rodents, along with mosquitoes, are among the most dangerous pests because they carry many diseases. They transfer them through droppings, urine, or saliva. These diseases include:

  • Hantavirus: Transmitted through rodent urine, droppings, or saliva. Hantavirus causes flu-like symptoms and, in worst cases, leads to respiratory failure.
  • Salmonellosis: Contracted by digesting food or water contaminated with rodent feces. Salmonellosis causes diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.
  • Leptospirosis: Spread through contact with water or soil contaminated with rodent urine. Leptospirosis can lead to mild flu-like illness. In severe cases, complications that affect the kidneys, liver, and other organs.

2. Allergies

Rodents produce allergens in their fur, dander, urine, and saliva. These can trigger allergic reactions in certain individuals. Common rodent allergens include:

  • Fur and Dander: Rodent fur and dander can become airborne. This can trigger respiratory symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and wheezing.
  • Urine and Saliva: Contact with rodent urine or saliva can cause skin irritation, itching, and redness.

3. Asthma Exacerbation

People suffering from asthma or other respiratory conditions can get triggered by rodent allergen exposure. Breathing in airborne allergens from rodent fur, dander, or urine can cause worse issues. This can be inflammation of the airways and difficulty breathing.

4. Parasitic Infections

Rodents also carry around various parasites, like fleas, ticks, and mites. These parasites themselves can spread diseases. These parasites may:

  • Fleas: Bite humans and pets, transmitting diseases like plague and murine typhus.
  • Ticks: Transmit diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever through their bites.
  • Mites: Mites cause skin irritation and itching in humans, leading to conditions such as scabies or dermatitis.

5. Food Contamination

Rodents can and do contaminate food and food preparation surfaces. Their feces, urine, and hair can spread foodborne illnesses. If you accidentally eat contaminated food or beverages then you can suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Step-by-Step Guide For Rodent Pest Control

Knowing just how dangerous rodents can be, you need to know how rodents can be controlled at home in Perth. Here is what you might call a guide for rodent pest control:

Identify Signs of Infestation

Any form of rodent pest control will start with you looking for infestation signs. You need to look for the signs we mentioned above. The more signs you see the severe the infestation might be. Inspect your home clearly, paying attention to areas rodents are likely to hide in or travel through.

Seek Professional Pest Control Services

Once you have found signs of rodent infestation you can go for either DIY or professional rodent pest control services. These services are best for homes with large-scale infestation. Skilled pest control specialists will use various tools and chemicals to get rid of rodents in your home. 

Seal Entry Points

After you find infestation signs and get rid of them with professional help you should seal any and all entry points in your home. By filling gaps or cracks in walls, floors, and foundations, you can remove access to your home for rodents. This will help prevent future infestations. 

Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping a home clean is a surefire way to prevent rodents from being attracted to your home. You need to keep your food storage and kitchen clean to prevent rodents from entering your home. Garbage needs to be regularly and securely removed. 

Proper Food Storage

Food storage rooms are one of the key entry points that rodents use. You need to ensure that the room is secure and sealed top to bottom. Also, clean up any spills and crumbs you might see since these attract rodents. 

Use Natural Remedies

Those looking to implement DIY rodent pest control should consider natural rodent repellents. Peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, and essential oils are common choices. Put cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil or sprinkle cayenne pepper in areas prone to infestation to discourage rodents from entering.

Set Mechanical Traps

Another good answer to how rodents can be controlled at home is mechanical traps. Traps like snap traps, glue traps, and electronic traps are popular choices that even professionals use. Just follow manufacturer instructions for maximum effectiveness. 

Consider Chemical Control Options

You can also go with chemical control options such as rodenticides or repellents. But you should only use them in the worst case scenario. We recommend you consult with professionals before you go with this step. There are risks involved because these chemicals can be harmful for kids and pets. 


Our guide on how rodents can be controlled at home in Perth covers the main steps that you can take. Depending on your home and the rodent infestation you might need to tweak these steps for better results.

Rodent pest control shouldn’t be taken lightly because these pests can damage your home. They also pose a real threat to your health if you aren’t careful. We hope our guide on controlling these pests can provide safety for your home.

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